The Literacy and Language Center Celebrates 10 Years!
The Literacy and Language Center is celebrating 10 fun filled years in the Sunset district of San...
Student Press: The effects of human interaction on dolphins
In our latest installment of the Student Press, Lily P. writes an expository essay that explores the detrimental effects that humans have on dolphin population. Lily’s argument is clearly laid out, and might just affect some of the choices that you make on your...
Exciting News for 2016!
Some exciting things have been happening for the Literacy and Language Center this year. At the Literacy and Language Center Inc. we work with students using a student-centered approach and positive language reinforcement that augments our multisensory programs. We...
What exactly is student-centered learning?
Student-centered learning Student-centered learning is a long overdue trend in education. You may have heard this phrase a few times if you’re active in the realm of education, or at your child’s school. The phrase is quickly becoming elevated to buzzword status. But...
Student Press: The War of Musical Mechanisms
At The Literacy and Language Center, we have a number of students enrolled in our writing program that have expressed interest in publishing their work on our blog. This first submission is from a very familiar face around the center – one of our school program...
Tips for Reading with Your Child
If you enjoyed this post you can download a copy to use at home here: Tips for Reading by Amber Lamprecht, Founder and Clinic Director of The Literacy and Language Center in San Francisco, CA. At the Literacy and Language Center, Inc. we use a student-centered...
Learning the Art of Pie-Making Using the ‘Gradual Release of Responsibility’ Teaching Model
There it was, aromatic juices bubbling from the slightly sunken lattice-work crust, golden around the edges, small squares of baked red fruit peeking from underneath its toasted top, and the heavenly smell that I came to know as home. I couldn’t tell you at what age...
What Happens to Your Brain When You Read?
Most of us don’t think twice about the fact that we can read. In fact, reading is a highly complex process that involves an intricate series of neural responses inside the brain. Understanding exactly what happens in the brain when we read can help us better...
The Benefits of Movement in the Classroom
“Boring!” Every one of us has most likely experienced sitting in a stuffy classroom where content is being taught that isn’t the most exciting or engaging material. Think of your high school economics, trigonometry or chemistry classes, for example. If you recall your...
DIY Rainbow Rice
By Rachel Robbins Some uses for rainbow rice: At The Literacy and Language Center, we often give students something to do with their hands. For wiggly little people, this is a great way to get them to focus while still allowing them to move. We also reinforce learning...